Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Clinical Psychologist?

Clinical psychologists have advanced University degrees in psychology.  Usually, they have trained at university between 6-8 years. Their specialty is the assessment and treatment of a wide variety of  emotional, behavioural and psychological problems. This is done by talking with a person and coming to understand the impact of feelings, beliefs, actions, experiences, and culture on the person’s life. To be registered as a clinical psychologist a psychologist must have an advanced degree in psychology, and have completed two years extra practical training in clinical psychology at university.

What happens in therapy?

When you first see a Clinical Psychologist, they will ask you about the problem that has brought you to see them, and about your past and present life. Once you and the psychologist agree what your difficulties are and why they have happened, your psychologist will discuss with you the type of therapy they think will help you. You may continue meeting together or your psychologist may suggest you see another psychologist or therapist who specialises in the type of help you need. They may also refer you to groups or other community services that may help you.

What types of therapy do you offer?

I am intensively trained in a range of evidence based therapeutic interventions. My most commonly used practices are:

  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT): CBT examines how your thoughts, emotions and behaviours are inter-related and teaches you to identify and challenge unhelpful thoughts and behaviours. This gives you more control over the way you feel, helps you see situations more clearly and allows you to react in a more effective way. For more information see here.

  • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT): The core goal of DBT is to create a life worth living. DBT teaches four main skills; mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal skills. For more information see here.

  • Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR): EMDR is a gold standard treatment approach for trauma. EMDR involves recalling distressing events while your therapist directs your eye movements (or other bilateral stimulation). It is often less emotionally upsetting because your attention is diverted, and allows you to be exposed to the memories or thoughts without having a strong response. For more information see here.

How long will therapy last?

This will depend on your presenting difficulty. Following your assessment, you will be informed on what type of therapy is recommended for you and how long this may last. For some individuals, therapy can be brief with 3-6 sessions required, however, for others this may require 6-12 sessions, or more long term support. Sessions typically are scheduled on a weekly or fortnightly basis.

What happens with my information?

Clinical Psychologists are bound by confidentiality, meaning everything you share will remain confidential. However, the exceptions to confidentiality include if the psychologist believes you are at risk of significant harm to yourself, others, or from others. Where possible, you will be informed before your information is shared with a third party in order to keep you safe. Notes taken during sessions are stored in a secure online database and only accessed by your psychologist. Notes are kept for a minimum of 10 years.

Are there any payment subsidies?

Yes, you may be eligible for a payment subsidy depending on your situation.

  • Gumboot Friday covers the cost of 2 therapy sessions for individuals 25 years and younger. I can apply for sessions for you. More information can be found via their website here.

  • MSD has subsidies for therapy for eligible individuals if you fulfil their income threshold requirements. If eligible you will need your GP and myself to complete the relevant paperwork found here.

  • Some Health Insurance providers provide coverage for Clinical Psychology services. Please read your cover or enquire with your provider.

  • ACC provides cover for victims of sexual harm. For more information please see their website here or enquire with myself about the process. I can support you to make a claim.

What is your cancellation policy?

Due to the high demand for psychology services, all booked appointments require 48 hours for cancellations. For appointments cancelled between 24 - 48 hours, a 50% fee is charged. For appointments cancelled (or not attended) with less than 24 hours notice, the full fee is charged. This is a result of therapist preparation, as well as the client waiting list. All Telehealth appointments will be terminated if not joined within 15 minutes.